Coconut Oil Hair Mask

*Note: please read my oil training post to see alll about how I trained my hair to last 7 days without shampoo.
Move over expensive store bought hair masks...what even are you anyway?
Mask in!
Earlier this year I began oil training my hair. As part of the oil training routine I began using coconut oil once a week to grow it stronger, longer, and thicker. After just one coconut oil hair mask use, my hair felt gorgeously light, wavy, and full of volume. I think it's a combination of shampoo-ing less and the moisture from the coconut oil. Shampoo weighs your hair down and when you do it less your natural hair will show.
Coconut oil has anti-microbial properties, lauric acid, and medium-chain fatty acids that strengthen hair, condition the scalp, and may even help to regrow hair.
Not to mention, one jar of coconut oil runs about $6 and has unlimited uses, so it's cost effective and environmentally friendly. #WIN
The Process
So, the process is as follows.
Say I want to wash my hair on Monday morning. On Sunday morning, I will pour about 1/3 cup of organic unrefined coconut oil into my hands and run it through my hair- starting at the scalp and working it through the ends. I spend a few minutes running the oil through my hair to make sure each strand is covered with some coconut oil love.
After it's evenly spread, I twist my hair into a high knot on the top of my head (people with short hair can do a low ponytail) to make sure its kept out of my face. I use bobby pins to keep it from my neck as well.
I go about my day: I work out, shower (using a shhhowercap), run errands, and I sleep with it in. I be sure not to touch it too much with my hands.
*Important Step* Monday morning, 24 hours later, I hop in the shower and shampoo it all out. I scrub the crap out of my scalp to make sure I get all the oil out. If you rush this stage and aren't thorough, you will find remaining coconut oil in your hair once it's dried. Make sure you take your time and really give your scalp a good scrub.
After washing, I then repeat the weeklong process all over again; I don't wet or shampoo my hair in between coconut oil bun days.
Q: What type of coconut oil do you use for the mask?
A: I use organic unrefined coconut oil for my hair masks.
Q: How long do you keep it in?
A: 24 hours.
Q: Do you work out with it in?
A: Absolutely! I sleep, workout, shower, and go about my normal life with it in.
Q: Every time I use coconut oil, it makes my hair so greasy! How can I prevent this?
A: When shampooing your mask out, make sure you are REALLY scrubbing your scalp to wash out the coconut oil. Massage the shampoo into your head for a good 2-3 minutes. Your arms should get tired, that’s how you know you are doing a good shampoo job!
Q: What shampoo and conditioner do you use?
A: I rotate my shampoo brand every few months, but am currently loving Rahua Shampoo and Rahua Conditioner
Q: Does the coconut oil stain sheets?
A: It can- I suggest sleeping with a shower cap on or an old towel over your sheet to prevent any staining or discoloration.
Q: Don't you get embarrassed going out with greasy hair?
A: Hell no, I wear my coco bun with pride. I love it! Most people won't notice your bun- trust me. We are always way more self conscious than we need to be. If you're nervous, you can also schedule your coco bun days for Sundays (or any day that you will be spending most of the time at home).
Do you use coconut oil in your hair? If so, how do you like it?