A New Chapter

A New Chapter

If you’ve been following me on Instagram, you’ve seen that my content has shifted away from food and recipe development. Over the past year, I have been exploring new passions with a fresh perspective, and have organically followed my bliss to something new. I am beyond thrilled to let you guys know that I am enrolled at UCLA’s Interior Design Program for Fall 2020.

Interior design is something I have been cultivating naturally, ever since I moved to California 5 years ago. When I think back on my childhood, some of my happiest memories included going to the fabric store with my mother, helping her choose new upholstery for the couches and curtains. When I look back on food styling, I was playing with color, space, and texture. It makes sense now.

Life is full of chapters, and I don’t know much about what the future holds, but I do know that it is time to close the chapter of the Lee From America blogging days. It’s been a long time coming. Thank you for each and every one of you for supporting my journey. Thank you for 5+ great years of Lee From America and following my blogging journey.

I urge you to visit my new website, LeeTilghman.com, where you can contact me, work together, and see more of my interior design work.

Keep following me on Instagram @Leefromamerica.

Thank you again for all the memories- I am not sure what will happen to this site in the future. I hope everyone is staying safe, being kind to yourselves and taking the time to find joy.

All the best,
